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Mrs K Wilden 



A Message from the Headteacher

Welcome to King’s Academy Northern Parade! I’m genuinely excited to have your family as part of our school community. I know that every child is unique, and my main priority is to create a school where each one feels safe, supported, and inspired to do their best, no matter where they’re starting from.

Our goal here isn’t just about academic results—we care about the whole child. We want to help your children grow in confidence, develop real-world skills, and find their strengths, whether it’s in the classroom, on the sports field, or through creative activities. At Northern Parade, we believe in helping each child find what makes them special, and we work with you to make sure they have what they need to succeed.

I understand how important it is that your children are happy and enjoy coming to school. We’ve got a passionate team of staff who work hard to make sure every child feels included and encouraged. We take safeguarding seriously, making sure this is a safe space for every child.

Together, we can help your children build bright futures, not just through education, but through the values of kindness, respect, and resilience that we promote every day.

Thank you for putting your trust in us. We look forward to building a strong partnership with you as we support your child’s journey.

Warm wishes

Kathryn Wilden




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